I challenge anyone to comb through the entire New Testament and find one instance where Paul mentioned tithing. He said a lot about giving and never says non-tithing is a sin as many pastors teach today. Tithing today is not giving. Paying ten percent is more like paying taxes the same way many taxpayers do each year with the IRS. Many churches act like the IRS and collection agents all because no one wants to embrace New Testament giving principles. It is for this reason, my book is needed so that people who are confused about giving and tithing will understand the difference between the two. Looking at the news today, tithing has become a divisive tool to inflict harsh punishment against those who reject the mandatory, compulsory doctrine or on others who can’t pay the tenth, but want to give from their heart. The news article in this post is why you must read Kleptomaniac. What this woman needed from her church was compassion and not expulsion.Stay tuned for the new book, KLEPTOMANIAC and for more stories of why this book is needed. You decide who robbed who in this case.
92 Year women kicked out of church for not tithing