Before embarking on my journey to learn more about tithing and whether it was food or money, I wrote 117-page power point study. In this blog, I will share information from that study and all the books I read while doing my research. It is said that different kinds of truth can influence what people believe. The belief that tithing is or is not required in the New Testament is based upon the type of truth a person embraces.  Author, James Defazio defines different kinds of truth as empirical or perceptual, which is based on the five senses as one directly observes. The truth that tithing is money is not based on logic or theory but is based on the five senses. We see people tithe, we smell money, we observe acts of tithing money and think money is a tithe when it is not. Both empirical and perceptual truth has a flaw in that it is based upon people’s perceptions of what they observe as it is filtered through life experiences.  Observing people who tithe is an experience, but it does not mean it’s a foregone Biblical truth.  So over time as we hear constant incorrect tithing sermons and see the word tithe without it ever being defined correctly, our perception gets distorted by the assault of both misinformation and disinformation about tithing.

Another truth associated with tithing is rationalism. Our five senses are not involved, but tithing is accepted as truth through reason of the mind and logically deduced as fact. The truth about tithing is established more on the basis of consistency of the idea of tithing than on observation. Because everybody says tithing is required and people consistently practice the doctrine is the basis for assuming its validity. Rational tithing arguments assumes the premise is correct, but that is an inherent weakness rational justification for tithing. One of the strongest truth serums is the pragmatic truth. Here the argument goes, if it works, it must be ok and we should do it. Tithing works so it must be true because I’m blessed by tithing. So pragmatic tithers based their truth, beliefs and theories about tithing on the success of their beliefs or theories about paying a tenth. I was a pragmatic tither for many years, but none of my beliefs that tithing is required panned out. To discover the truth about tithing, I had to follow the scriptural examples for discovering the truth about tithing. Here they are:

Know the truth. John 8:31-32

Search for the truth. Proverbs 2:1-5

Desire inner truth. Psalm 51:6

Meditate on the truth. Philippians 4:8-9

Obey the truth. John 14:23-24

Handle and speak the truth. 2 Tim 2:15

Love the truth. Proverbs 4:8-9

Below is a tithing test. If you can’t answer the questions with scripture, then you are not a free will giver but a law giver.

Take The Tithing Test

Not Getting 100 Means You Are Not Free

1.The Lord Yeshua would have tithed (true or false)?

2. Peter, a fisherman, would have tithed the fish he caught (true or false)?

3. Everyone in the OT seeking to obey the law would have tithed (true or false).

4. Abraham tithed to Melchizedek, in the same way, the NT believers do to Jesus Christ (true or false)?

5. Yeshua taught his disciples to tithe (true or false)?

6. The are many examples of people tithing of their incomes in the Bible (true or false)?

7. The NT teaches that we should tithe to ministers, in the same way, the Jews tithed to priests (True or false)?

8. The Bible teaches that God’s standard of giving is ten percent?

9. The righteous poor tithed in the OT (true or false)?

10. Since everyone is held to the same standard, tithing is fair to everyone (true or false)?

Bonus Question: The Bible teaches that everyone should give ten percent of their ongoing income (true or false)?

Each one of these questions is false because there are no scriptures to answer any of the questions as true. If you read my upcoming book, KLEPTOMANIAC: Who’s Really Robbing God, the answers to these questions will be clear and found to be false. Thanks to the author James Defazio for his book, The Tithe, which served as the source for some of the information in this post. Check out another online tithe test Search the scriptures daily for all truth. the tithe